Geosphere Applications for SAR Companion Satellite
Following preparatory activities (phase 0 & A) and a stringent evaluation process, ESA selected Harmony for implementation as 10th Earth Explorer mission. The developments, performed by ENVEO in this context, offer major advancements for high resolution, continuous monitoring of surface displacement and topographic change by means of Sentinel-1 and upcoming bi-and multi-static SAR systems such as Harmony. Major applications include monitoring of geohazards (landslides, volcanic activities) and of flow dynamics and volume change of glaciers and ice streams world-wide.
Hard Facts
The GECOS project contributed to scientific and technical preparations for the satellite mission Harmony, proposed to ESA in response to the Call for Earth Explorer-10 (EE-10) mission proposals. Harmony applies a powerful innovative concept, comprising two identical satellites equipped with receive-only radar (SAR) sensors, orbiting in convoy with Copernicus Sentinel-1. The mission will deliver comprehensive data on dynamic processes at the Earth surface. GECOS addressed methods for observing deformation and topographic change on land surfaces and the cryosphere.
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